Released 8 April 2020
New Features
Front-End Service
- Legislation UI integration
- Agent management interface
- Invoice tab in order view
- Rating comments (visible for own company only)
- Document caching for performance improvement
- Federated type-ahead in search
- Code beautification
- Apache license information
- Platform configuration comments
Business Process Service
- REST API to retrieve an invoice
- REST API to retrieve process instance group instances and filters
Catalogue Service
- Introduced the catalog cache to improve performance
- REST service to get service root category uris
- REST service to get validity of catalogue lines
Bug fixes & Improvements
Front-End Service
- Retrieval of (un)verfified company lists via index instead of identity service
- Company deletion by request to platform manager only
- Disabled shopping cart feature for services
- Improved navbar layout and grouping
- Improved form validation
- Improved dashboard filters
- Fixed rating retrieval and visualization
- Fixed analytics calculation
- Fixed company search filters
- Fixed bug causing multiple company registration when logo upload failed
- Fixed Solr query building for special characters
- Updates to Explorative Search and Track & Trace components
- Prevent multiple clicks on action buttons
- User manual link to project homepage
Business Process Service
- Modified fulfilment statistics REST API to return accepted quantities
- Removed product status from the dashboard process details to improve performance
- Proper user role checks for delegated service calls
- Modified EmailSenderUtil to notify party sales officer when a trust score is updated
Catalogue Service
- Mocked some methods of IDelegateClient
- Added environment variable to enable selective integration of taxonomies
Indexing Service
- Enabling eureka service discovery
Trust Scoring Service
- Fixing fetch and recreate trust profiles endpoint
- Feign clients updated