Released 17th June 2019
New Features
Front-End Service
- Projects page on dashboard
- Data channel negotiation
- Negotiation UI update
- Search UI update
- Company search
- Product search based on categories
- Selection of main product image
- Tracking and Tracing UI update
- Business process export
- Search capabilities for Platform Members and Company Management
- Terms and Condition editor
- Frame contracts
- Frontend logging
- Platform log analytics
- Added VAT tax to prices
- Extracted default currency and main color to config
- Styling of properties and values
- Styling of facets / filters
- Enable setting / selecting specific languages for multilingual fields
- Unified country selection
Catalogue Service
- New service to update LCPA data of products
- Log level improvements for analytics
- Integrated VAT API and added VAT to the products during publishing
- Delete/export capability for multiple catalogues
- Made category taxonomy integration configurable
Business Process Service
- Grouping (Project) feature for Collaboration Groups
- Frame contract feature
- Export functionality for transactions
- Log level improvements for analytics
Identity Service
- Rocket Chat integration feature with Identity Service (Register, Login, SSO, Create negotiation channels)
- Log level improvements for analytics
- Identity service modifications for negotiation contract generator
- Federated login endpoint
- Multilinguality support for company settings description
- Modified company profile completeness algorithm
Indexing Service
- Log level improvements for analytics
Data-Channel Service
- Private & internal data channels
Bug fixes & Improvements
Front-End Service
- Redirect URL in case login is required
- Improvements and fixes on business process workflows
Business-Process Service
- Improved Hystrix thread pool usage
- Updated T&T endpoint so that it would return catalogue line and process instance information
- Archiving is disabled for incomplete collaborations
- Extended negotiations with terms & conditions
- Added VAT field to various negotiation steps
Indexing Service
- Bug fixes related to valueCodes, codeListUri
- Bug fixes related to filter-query encoding