NIMBLE’s vision is to create a federated interoperable eco-system of medium-sized platforms that provide B2B connectivity for the 99% of European businesses that are SMEs and would profit from Internet platforms.

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NIMBLE will develop a cloud-based, Industry 4.0, Internet-of-Things-enabled B2B platform on which European manufacturing firms can register, publish machine-readable catalogues for products and services, search for suitable supply chain partners, negotiate contracts and supply logistics, and develop private and secure B2B and M2M information exchange channels to optimise business work flows.
The NIMBLE Platform is available as open source software under an Apache-type, permissive license. NIMBLE’s governance model is a federation of platforms for multi-sided B2B trade, with mandatory interoperation between instances of the platform and with optional, added-value business functions that can be provided by third parties.
NIMBLE has early adopters from day one to develop the initial working platform. Large scale validation involving hundreds of external firms – will happen in year three. To achieve these objectives, we run two dedicated programmes (AMBASSADOR and SEED) that will engage with potential early adopters and platform providers, respectively.

When you click on the picture, the video is played by Youtube (Google Ireland Limited), who is jointly responsible with us. Scripts will be loaded on your PC. Cookies are stored for up to 2 years and personal data is collected. With the help of cookies, Youtube is able to track the activities of people on the Internet and to play out advertising target-group oriented. Privacy policy of Youtube
Since December 2017 the NIMBLE platform has been released and it is under validation by our industrial partners.
In April 2020, we proudly announce the official final release Nr 17 of the platform, with an increasing set of functional services and updated interface with new design.
Current release is accessible here, while supporting material and source code are available here. If you are interested to have more information on “how to”, please contact us.

NIMBLE will develop the infrastructure for a cloud-based, Industrie 4.0, IoT enabled B2B platform on which European manufacturing firms can register, publish machine-readable catalogs for product and services, search for suitable supply chain partners, negotiate contacts and supply logistics.

“In the present, fast evolving textile and clothing market, actions to answer unpredictable demand must be taken very quickly and require high level of diffused collaboration”
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“The NIMBLE platform will improve the flow of knowledge in both direction of the value chain, leading to a faster innovation”
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“A major benefit of NIMBLE will be the simplification of the data handling. Currently, this is dominated by manual tasks. These do not scale up with the quadrupling of the production output.”
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“The child furniture sector will benefit from the results of NIMBLE because it provides a collaboration environment for smartly managing supply chain issues as they arise in the daily business.”
We are running an online survey to collect insights and expectations from our stakeholders.
Therefore, if you are looking for B2B services to expand/improve your business, or you are interested to develop a B2B platform, or you are simply an expert in the (smart) manufacturing sector(s), please access here and provide your inputs.
It will not take more than 5 minutes of your time!
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