
The AMBASSADOR programme is designed to encourage and incentivise organizations and their supply-chains to become users of the NIMBLE platform.

The programme will build on the stories and reported benefits generated by the use cases. It will deliver compelling stories to users on the benefits of recruiting their business partners to the system.

The programme arranges different workshops across Europe, in order to meet with early adopters.  Stay tuned to find out when we will be in your neighbourhood!

From the experience and feedback collected from the workshops, a toolkit will be created to support future users with “sales messages” and evidence on the benefits of joining which they can send to potential recruits. The toolkit will also explain how a company could run workshops or training to introduce the platform to business partners.

Send us a note, we will be happy to provide you invitation and/or more detailed information.

Contact Persons

  • Mr. Alessio Gugliotta (NIMBLE innovation manager - see contacts)
  • Mr. Oliver Jung (NIMBLE product manager - see contacts)